22. 8. 2023

Can I drive a quad bike with a B driving license?

A quad bike is classified as a “motorcycle” in the “L” category (LB = light quad bike or LE = quad bike)
The engine capacity, engine power and weight then determine which category of license the driver must have. In short; for quad bikes up to 15 kW and up to a maximum of 400 kg, an A license, or B1 license will do. For more powerful quad bikes, you must be a holder of B license.
Therefore, although a quad bike is classified as a “motorcycle”, a group B license is required to drive it (except for quad bikes up to 50 cm3, with a non-combustion engine up to a maximum of 4 kW and a maximum speed of 45 km/h).
The driver of a quad bike must follow the same rules and restrictions as a motorcyclist. He (and passengers) must not smoke while driving, he must wear a properly fitted helmet, must protect his eyes, and the passenger must not sit sideways.